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Your Options for Headache Treatment

Written By ChiroConcepts of Frisco North on August 9, 2021

Headache TreatmentYou’d be hard-pressed to find someone who has never experienced a headache. For many people, these are temporary problems. Yet, globally, about one adult in 20 suffer from daily or near-daily headaches. Not only are they painful, headaches can negatively affect quality of life and workplace productivity. There are many drug-free options for headache treatment, including chiropractic care and trigger point massage.

Diagnosing Your Headache Type

There are many different types of headaches, and your headache treatment plan will depend on your particular headache type. Nearly all can be diagnosed without special tests, although your chiropractor may want to run some diagnostics to determine if there could be other problems affecting you. Some of the most common headaches include the following:

  • Migraines—Migraines involve more than just head pain. They can also cause symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Tension headaches—These cause pain, tightness, and pressure around the forehead and the back of the head. 
  • Cervicogenic headaches—These may arise from a neck injury. The pain typically begins at the back of the head and move to the front, perhaps accompanied by shoulder or arm pain.

Seeking Chiropractic Headache Treatment

If your headache originates from a problem in the neck, your chiropractor may suggest spinal adjustments. Scientific evidence indicates that spinal manipulation is particularly effective for patients with migraines and cervicogenic headaches. By aligning the spinal structures, your chiropractor can relieve pressure on nerves and improve the function of the nervous system.

Finding Relief with Trigger Point Therapy

Many headaches are caused by trigger points. These are hard knots in the muscles that are painful when pressed. Trigger points often result in referred pain. This means that a trigger point in the trapezius muscle of the shoulder can cause pain in the head. Trigger point therapy targets those contracted knots of muscle, releasing them and easing the pain.

In addition to or instead of traditional trigger point release therapy, your chiropractor may recommend dry needling. The dry needling technique precisely targets trigger points by inserting long, very thin needles into the trigger points. This rapidly alleviates muscle tension and, subsequently, headache pain.

Undergoing a Physical Therapy Treatment Plan

Physical therapy is an important part of a comprehensive headache treatment plan. It’s effective for many types of headaches, including migraines and cervicogenic headaches. Your physical therapy plan may include:

  • Postural correction—An improper forward head posture can pinch nerves and cause headaches.
  • Therapeutic exercises—These can improve range of motion in the neck and reduce pressure on the nerves in the neck, thereby improving chronic headaches.

Scheduling an Appointment for Headache Treatment in Frisco

ChiroConcepts of Frisco North routinely works with patients with chronic headaches and migraines. Here, you will find compassionate, patient-centered care customized to meet your needs.

Call our state-of-the-art office in Frisco at (469) 850-0222 to request an appointment.

Posted In: Chiropractic Headache Treatment