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Backpack Comfort & Safety Tips for All Ages

Written By ChiroConcepts of Frisco North on October 8, 2023


Anyone who wears a backpack regularly, whether they are a student or not, is at risk of back, shoulder, and neck problems related to heavy backpacks. Taking certain steps to protect your safety and comfort can reduce your risk of chronic or recurring health problems. At ChiroConcepts of Frisco North, our chiropractor Dr. Mitchell Rogers specializes in posture correction and chiropractic care in Frisco, TX and the surrounding areas. Our team can assess your posture and gait and design a treatment plan that addresses any aches, pains, or strains. In the meantime, take these steps to improve your backpack comfort and safety. 

Don’t Carry Your Backpack on One Shoulder

Carrying a backpack on one shoulder means that the weight isn’t evenly distributed across your back. Your muscles, ligaments, and spine will need to work hard to correct this imbalance. Over time, this will cause a misalignment of the spine, shoulder pain and tenderness, neck pain, muscle stiffness, and muscle cramps. When you use both straps, you’re making sure the weight the backpack is carrying is evenly distributed and the back, neck, and shoulders are less likely to strain.

Position the Backpack Correctly

Your backpack should be positioned correctly to avoid extra stress and strain on the neck and shoulders. The heavier the backpack is, the more important it is that it is positioned correctly. Wearing it too high or too low on your back will put strain on the wrong muscles. Your backpack should not hang more than four inches below your waistline. Make sure that the heaviest items in the pack are at the bottom, towards the back. Your backpack should hang tightly against your back.

Choose the Right Type of Backpack

Not all backpacks are right for all occasions, or all users. If you regularly carry heavy loads, you want a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps. If you’re carrying a heavy backpack while hiking, you want one with a chest strap or waist strap. Don’t pick one with narrow straps, or straps that aren’t adjustable. 

Schedule a Posture Assessment in Frisco, TX

At ChiroConcepts of Frisco North, Dr. Rogers and his team can assess your posture, balance, gait, flexibility, and movement. We will check for any imbalances, irregularities, and abnormalities. We will also address any muscle, spine, or other disorders that can be treated through chiropractic care. Our chiropractic therapies are non-invasive and drug-free. Call us today or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Backpack Comfort