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How Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Text Neck?

Written By ChiroConcepts of Frisco North on April 19, 2021

Text Neck Treatment Neck pain is a common experience for many people and often results from stress, fatigue, or overuse. In many cases, it is caused by poor posture and may require neck pain treatment.

Your neck is made up of ligaments, bones, and muscles that support your head and allow for movement. Inflammation or injury to this area can cause stiffness and neck pain

Text neck is an unofficial term used to describe neck pain caused by texting or excessive use of mobile devices.

3 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Can Relieve Text Neck

Chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to neck pain treatment and provides long-term relief without the use of drugs or invasive treatment methods. 

1. Stretches

After assessing your pain, your chiropractor can suggest helpful neck stretches alongside other neck pain treatment options. These can be done several times daily to relieve tension from your neck. 

If your work requires you to sit in front of a computer screen for long hours, you would benefit from neck stretches. Stretching your neck muscles at intervals is also a preventive measure to keep stiffness at bay.  

2. Strengthening Exercises

A stronger neck means more support for your head, less fatigue, and may even prevent problems with your arms, upper back, and shoulders. 

Remember to check in with your chiropractor and adhere to exercises recommended for you. If your pain is too severe, your chiropractor will prescribe other noninvasive neck pain treatment options for you. You can also explore core exercises—focusing on the abdomen, back, and buttocks—for long term relief. Stronger core muscles mean better posture and less strain on your neck. 

3. Chiropractic Neck Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments require applying controlled pressure to your joints to loosen up your muscles by slowly but firmly pushing the joint beyond its usual range. 

Cervical manipulations gently snap the vertebrae back into alignment to relieve pain caused by muscle spasms, strain, and pinched nerves. This neck pain treatment is safe, effective, and has no side effects, unlike invasive pain treatment alternatives. 

Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment in Frisco, TX

Neck pain can adversely affect your productivity at work and interfere with your daily activities. Left untreated, this pain can result in tension headaches, which may extend to the shoulders and upper chest area. 

You don’t have to live in pain. Our experienced team of chiropractors at ChiroConcepts will be happy to meet with you, assess your pain, and prescribe safe treatment methods to alleviate your pain long term.

Are you suffering from text neck? Contact us today for holistic neck pain treatment.

Posted In: Chiropractic Text Neck Neck Pain Treatment